Nalovardo Fat Bike Race - Powered by Sigr
As far as magical landscapes go, Nalovardo is right up there. Nestled in the heart of unexploited Lapland, in Sweden's largest nature reserve, it screams raw wilderness.
For one day a year however, Nalovardo plays host to one of the most exotic bike races you'll ever take part in, the Nalovardo Fat Bike Race. The race is the brainchild of Pontus Holmgård, who has made it his mission to make this race a reality since he first set eyes on a fatbike.

In his own words, Pontus says:
- I knew straight away that I wanted to ride this terrain during the arctic winter. Sharing this huge experience with others who are passionate about this sport was a no brainer. For a long time I was the only one riding this awe inspiring landscape, but little by little, the numbers grew. We decided to just do it and see what would happen.
Nalovardo was born.
- We were convinced that this epic nature was perfect for fatbike but were still nervous that no one would come. It is after all one of the most isolated places in Sweden's largest wilderness!
- Turns out, we didn't have to worry, the reaction and encouragement really moved us and made us happy, In just the first year Nalovardo was the largest Fatbike competition in Sweden! We are already seeing as much if not more interest this year, so we're just going to ride the wave and do everything we can to make 2019 even better.

- We're hoping for an 20% increase in contestants, och we're really hoping to attract mroe women cyclists this year.

For us at Sigr, this race - fantastic Swedish nature + riding with like minded friends is about as good as it gets. As soon as we heard about it, we had to help if we could. All participants will be getting a Sigr neckwarmer. The three top male and three top female contestants will each get a product voucher for the princely sum of 3000 of our lovely Swedish Crowns or around 300 of the slightly more boring sounding Euros! (no offense meant rest of Europe! ;)
Some facts about the race:
Date: 30th March
Start: Nalovardo valley cabin, Ski Paradise. (15 km form Sorsele, Lappland)
Start time: Women 10:15, Men 11:00
Mountain course:
Length: 27 km
Total ascent: 530 m over the mountains and along the Lais river valley.
Entrance fee: 300 SEK
Forest course:
Length: 10 km
Total ascent: 210 through Nalovardo's mountain forest reserve.
Entrance fee: 200 SEK
Getting there:
Fly or get the train to Umeå then take road 363 from Umeå to Sorsele. In Sorsele you'll find some great places to stay, fatbikes for hire only 15 km from Nalovardo. We recommend a hire car although it is possible by bus. There are great mountain cabins for rent in the Nalovardo area only 75 metres from the start and finish line!
Late registration: race day. 9-10 am – 400 SEK
Services Included: Refreshments available at the start & finish, plus 10 km into the race. Course is marked and prepared over the mountain. Medical team and Marshals. Position stats and timing. Showers available at the race finish. Snack and refreshments available at race finish.
Fatbike time trial warmup: Fatbike time trail on the slalom hill. Spectators welcome, time trial from 10am until race start.
Fatbike Hire: available from Sorsele Fat Bike tours. Book early as limited number of bikes & sizes available.
Photo cred: Mats Nilsson for
All contestants are covered by our insurance.
What are you waiting for? No really, what?!!!
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